Sunday 28 February 2016

At school I...

Sophie M:  At school I like playing in the playground with my friends.  We go down the slide. 

Alfie:  At school I like drawing, painting and swimming.  I like story writing too.

Grace:  At school I like swimming.  I love blowing bubbles under water. 

Fletcher:  At school I love playing on the playground.  The best part is everything!

Sophie F:  At school I like playing on the playground.  Amelia, Emily-Jaye, Isabel Q and Grace are my friends.

Callum:  At school I like playing in the sandpit.  I build sandcastles.

Jacob:  At school I like going to the swimming pool.  I will do a starfish.

Dray:  At school I like the park.  I play with my sister Renae. 

Emily-Jaye:  At school I like story writing.  I get to read what my story is.

Bostyn:  At school I like to play on the playground.  I like the bars the best!

Isabel P:  At school I like Charlie the Sheep.  He will jump on the trampoline with me.

Isabel Q:  At school I like swimming with my friends.  I can walk on my hands and float.

Payton:  At school I like being in Room 3.  The best part is our new purple CD player!

Toby:  At school I like playing on the playground.  The slide is best!

Elijah:  At school I like writing about avengers.  My story today is… “I am up in the tree playing videos in the spa.”

Ethan:  At school I like writing about me and my friends.  We play race cars.

Noah:  At school I love swimming.  We get swimming lessons.  I can float on my tummy and my back.

Max:  At school I like going to the pool.  I can roley poley in the water.

Shae:  At school I like going on the grass because it is cool.

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